Converting your String to a byte array using the character encoding String.getBytes(String charsetName) is not enough to make your printer accept the encoding. It just guarantee the first part: your String in Java won't be broken when is converted to bytes. The last step is to use CPCL EN...
python斑马GK888t打印机打印标签 斑马打印机标签纸设置 前言c#语言, mvc,南京都昌电子病历模板工具(类似word),斑马GK888t,打印手腕带和标签纸。实现步骤为:在页面上显示一个或多个都昌模板工具,点击页面上的button,出现都昌控件的预览界面,然后在预览界面上点击打印,打印到手腕带纸或者标签纸上。简述安装打...