The ion-exchange zeolithes 13 × 60–120 mesh of manganese, nickel and cobalt (about 0.65 gr% of the transition element in the reaction medium, and about 8 gr% of heavy metal on the 35 gr% water containing zeolithe) increase the rate of consumption and the conversion of n-hexane. The...
M. BarbierJournal of PhytopathologyDevys M, Bousquet JF, Barbier M (1976) Le tyrosol (p-hydroxyphényl éthanol) inhibiteur de la germination isolé du milieu du culture de Pyricularia oryzae. Phytopath Z 85: 176–178Le tyrosol (phydroxyphenylethanol), inhibiteur de la germination isole du ...
And how do you and the people you work…Paul PicconeTelos
Case 78A 26-year-old man was referred for cranial magnetic resonance (MR) imaging after occurrence of a first epileptic seizure (Figs 1–3). He had no history of diabetes insipidus. Clinical examination did not reveal any cranial nerve deficit. Sk...
Para-xylene dissolved in acetic acid (acetic acid/para-xylene = 4.4 g/g) has been oxidised by oxygen at 165°C., under a total pressure of 32 atm and a partial pressure of oxygen of 25 atm. The main products are the para-toluic and terephtalic acids. Catalytic amounts of cobalt ...
Dargelos, A.Laboratoire de Chimie Structurale, I.U.R.S., Avenue Philippon, 64016 PAUElguero, J.Laboratoire de Chimie Moléculaire, Université d‘Aix‐Marseille III, 13397 MARSEILLE CEDEXKatritzky, A. R.School of Chemical Sciences, University of East Anglia, NORWICH NR4 7TJ (Angleterre)John ...