下载视频的特定内容:yt-dlp -f <id+id...> ,这些id是从yt-dlp -list-formats <url>获取的下载音频下载音频:yt-dlp -x <url>,默认选择最好的下载字幕下载的字幕默认和视频同名,下载完成后软件可以自动读取,只需要字幕和视频在同一个文件夹。如果复制粘贴发现下载错误,列出所有字幕在选择对应下载。
yt-dlp.exehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ffhs9Ny03lM--proxy socks5:// --list-formats ## 罗列视频的 视频信息和音频信息,用参数--list-formats ## 使用代理服务,用参数 --proxy socks5:// ## 如果没有使用代理,则只需简单的如下命令即可 yt-dlp.exehttps://www...
-F, --list-formats List available formats of each video. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 查看视频都有什么画质,如下所示,ABR那一列有字的表示视频里面携带声音的 下载最大画质且有声音的,如下所示 示例链接 ## 批量下载 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZNOFEtr_qQ&list=PLOLa3PbTjh1KNS4raYRCnKSy2B7DY0j...
urls (string): The URLs of all requested formats, one in each line filename (string): Name of the video file. Note that the actual filename may differ formats_table (table): The video format table as printed by --list-formats thumbnails_table (table): The thumbnail format table as pri...
yt-dlp-I1:9--proxyhttp://"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxx&list=xxx" 选择格式使用的是下面这样的参数 -f137+140 初看可能一头雾水,但其实这是YouTube的画质代码 在YouTube上面,1080p及以上分辨率的视频,画面和声音是分开的,画面一般是mp4或者webm这种格...
Handle fragmented formats in _remove_duplicate_formats (#11637) by Grub4K bilibili Always try to extract HD formats (#10559) by grqz Fix extractor (#11667) by grqz (With fixes in f05a1cd by bashonly, grqz) Fix subtitles and chapters extraction (#11708) by xiaomac chaturbate: Fix sup...
For example, you can tell yt-dlp exactly the format you want and how to download it. To do this, you might have to first find out what formats are available: Use the following command: yt-dlp -F --list-formats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PmJeP-TphM ...
Syntax yt-dlp [OPTIONS]URL[URL...] Options -F, --list-formats List all available formats. -f, --formatFORMATVideo format code, see example below. -i, --ignore-errors Continue on download errors, for example to skip unavailable videos in a playlist. --abort-on-error Cancel downloading ...
Help us keep the list up to date andsubmit new video software here. Search or Browse all software by sections Software Home» Video Streaming Downloaders Tool Description Type Rating Reviews yt-dlp NEW VERSION 2024.12.13 YT-DLP is a fork of Youtube-DLC which in turn is a fork of Youtu...
()j" -F, --list-formats --print formats_table --list-thumbnails --print thumbnails_table --print playlist:thumbnails_table --list-subs --print automatic_captions_table --print subtitles_tableRedundantoptionsWhile these options are redundant, they are still expected to be used due to their ...