Well, I’m here to tell you – None of these things actually produce growth! What you should be focusing on instead, is remembering that there’s a REAL LIFE HUMAN on the other side watching your videos… And ever since YouTube changed their algorithm to focus more on watch time and au...
We had predicted (Hypothesis 3) that parasocial relationship strength towards Creator A (i.e., the disclosing target) after the intervention (i.e., PSR 2) would be greater for participants assigned to the same-creator condition than those in the different-creator condition. Before testing this...
Britton, M. Eating away at personal prejudice: Examining assimilation of Blacks and Asians using characters from AMC’s The Walking Dead. Ph.D. thesis (2017). FitzGerald, C., Martin, A., Berner, D. & Hurst, S. Interventions designed to reduce implicit prejudices and implicit stereotypes in...