分析指出,这个销售总额超过数十亿美元的玩具完美地展示了如今YouTube对于玩具产业施加的巨大影响力。 根据非营利家庭媒体监督机构“常识媒体”(Common Sense Media)指出,如今的孩子们每天会花很多时间上网。在美国,8岁或更小的孩子平均每天面对的屏幕时间约为2小时19分钟。英国非营利儿童研究机构Childwise则在2016年的一...
#停止仇恨换取获利(#StopHateForProfit)行动要求YouTube拿掉川普认证频道,因为这让川普有机会「继续散布」关于去年大选有效性的「错误信息」。发起这场行动的「常识媒体」(Common Sense Media)执行长思特尔(Jim Steyer)表示:「如果YouTube不同意我们,不加入其他平台的行列禁止川普,我们下一步就会去找广告商。...
关于新闻版权联系我们创作者广告开发者条款隐私权政策与安全 youtube 的运作方式测试新功能 nfl sunday ticket © 2024 google llc
该运动的组织者之一在接受媒体采访时表示,还将呼吁欧洲公司加入抵制行动。 “下一步行动是要产生来自全球范围的压力。”Common Sense Media首席执行官吉姆·斯泰耶(Jim Steyer)表示,这项运动希望欧洲监管机构对Facebook等社交媒体公司采取更强硬的立场。6月,欧盟委员会宣布了新的指导方针,要求各社交媒体公司每月提交...
“They’re going to get exposure to other creators outside of what you have 'pre-approved,'” says Jill Murphy, chief content officer at Common Sense Media. This makes education andguidanceimportant. Experts encourage parents to watch YouTube videos alongside their kids, understand their interests...
该运动的组织者之一在接受媒体采访时表示,还将呼吁欧洲公司加入抵制行动。 “下一步行动是要产生来自全球范围的压力。”Common Sense Media首席执行官吉姆·斯泰耶(Jim Steyer)表示,这项运动希望欧洲监管机构对Facebook等社交媒体公司采取更强硬的立场。 6月,欧盟委员会宣布了新的指导方针,要求各社交媒体公司每月提交报...
Common Sense Lab EN Sign InTry for Free Install on Chrome Comment Insights – Your Interactive Comment Analyzer Crafting Clarity from Chaos Comment Insights transforms the overwhelming flood of media comments into concise, insightful summaries. Uncover the essence of your audience’s thoughts with our...
That content was once largely limited to the written word. Today, that’s no longer the case. Instead, a comprehensive content strategy includes written work like blogs and ebooks, as well as media likepodcasts, visual assets, and videos. ...
And one of the best places to get answers to these questions is through social media analytics — specifically YouTube analytics. YouTube’s native analytics provides heaps of data to uncover everything you need to know about your channel and content performance. However, it can all be overwhel...
The Common Sense Census: Media Use by Tweens and Teens, an update to the 2015 study of the same name, is a big-picture look at how young people in America are engaging with media. The 2019 cens...