In an effort to offer a possible solution, it has launched its Institute of Halachah as a public service. Over the years, the agency’s Kashrus Hotline has answered generic halachic questions from kosher consumers the world over, including inquiries regarding the kosher status of foods and ...
AT this time of year, and always, each and every one of us has the ability to reflect the ‘love’ that exemplifies Jesus Christ in our thoughts, words and deeds … or … not. Here is a remarkable example:I scrolled right past this meme on my Facebook. And then, that still small...
How much you pay when you buy, sell, or just sit on your patch can shake up your investment plans more than your neighbor’s son practicing his tuba at midnight. Sometimes the government ramps up taxes, like turning up the heat on a sizzling grill. Speaking of ripples, infrastructure inve...
Getty Images Photo by Toni Anne Barson/WireImage & Alamy Stock Photo by Massimo Campanari The supercar has a 4.5-liter V8 engine, 562 HP, and it hits a top speed of 202 mph. If Kim steps on it at the light, she’ll reach 60 mph in three seconds. See ya, papar...
then you don’t have a leg to stand on. What we do see over and over again is student after student testifying to how much this policy has helped them at school. That’s all that matters. Leave these kids alone, leave this policy alone, and let’s move on to more important issues...
For Final Jeopardy!, The Jeopardy Fan has a great guide.Don’t shy away from understanding the Final Jeopardy! betting guide, even if you’re not a math person. There may or may not be a Bible or World War 2 category in your game, but unless things have gone particularly badly, you...
Technology has made us incredibly impatient. It has changed our expectations for how life should work. And not for the better. So from these two books, I came away with 5 key points regarding our use of technology and social media that I shared with my class and I’d like to share wit...
Harrison goes on to say; “Brzezinski emphasized in an interview after he left the White House that he had remained strictly within the confines of the President’s policy at that stage not to provide direct aid to the Afghan insurgency [which has since been revealed as not true].Since ther...
I don't know what he's thinking, but you know, seeing my son go on a date and I know how I used to date and I'm f*cking awkward as hell. So I don't know if he's like— [00:25:22] Jordan Harbinger: That's funny. [00:25:23] T-Pain: I at least want him to ...
The Dad driving the car backwards smiled at his son and me observing and said, “Sometimes you will go backwards in life.” I smiled and said, “At least he is still smiling.” The Dad smiled and agreed. Another sweet moment, a little boy in a hospital gown, about two-years-old ...