You Don't Know JS 作者:Kyle Simpson 出版社:O'Reilly Media 副标题:Scope & Closures 出版年:2014-3-24 页数:98 定价:USD 17.99 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9781449335588 豆瓣评分 9.1 109人评价 5星 67.9% 4星 24.8% 3星 6.4% 2星 0.9% 1星 0.0%...
> [You Don't Know JS ](笔记 #一、类型 javascript一共有六种主要数据类型: * string * number * boolean * null * undifined * object ps: typeof null 时会返回"object",这是语言的一个bug. #二、内置对象 Javascript中还有一些对象子类型,通常被称为内置...
You Don't Know JS: Scope & Closures - O'Reilly Media ) [this & object prototypes ](http:/...
You Don't Know JS Yet (book series) - 2nd Edition This is a series of books diving deep into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language. This is thesecond editionof the book series: ... To read more about the motivations and perspective behind this book series, check out thePreface...
Chapter 1. Types Most developers would say that a dynamic language (like JS) does not have types. Let’s see what the ES5.1 specification has to say on the topic: … - Selection from You Don't Know JS: Types & Grammar [Book]
Chapter 2. Callbacks In Chapter 1, we explored the terminology and concepts around asynchronous programming in JavaScript. Our focus is on understanding the single-threaded (one-at-a-time) event loop queue that … - Selection from You Don't Know JS: Asy
You Don't Know JS (book series)This is a series of books diving deep into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language...(more coming soon!)Please feel free to contribute to the quality of this content by submitting PR's for improvements to code snippets, explanations, etc. While typo...
You Don't Know JS Yet (book series) - 2nd EditionThis is a series of books diving deep into the core mechanisms of the JavaScript language. This is the second edition of the book series:...To read more about the motivations and perspective behind this book series, check out the Preface...
Don't binge these books; be patient and spread out your reading. Interleave reading with lots of practice on real code in your job or on projects you participate in. Wrestle with the opinions I've presented along the way, debate with others, and most of all, disagree with me! Run a ...
你不懂JS:入门与进阶(You Dont Know JS).pdf,目录 致谢 阅前必读 序 第一章 :进入编程 代码 亲自尝试 操作符 值与类型 代码注释 变量 块儿 条件 循环 函数 练习 复习 第二章 :进入JavaScript 值与类型 变量 条件 Strict模式 函数作为值 this 标识符 原型 旧的与新的 非J