We know some things about how it will work—it will be done over the course of a few weeks, you need to make an appointment, you can only have one person beside yourself in your room helping you pack—but we don’t know when it will be, which is, of course, what everyone cares ...
Now, I honestly do not know how much of the watch is made in Germany, or outsourced elsewhere and just assembled in Germany, but at the price point of $380 USD approximate, I don’t feel that’s a real point of contention. Let’s take a look at the full specifications- Sure, this...
You know, the days of house phones with cords and dial-up internet? What a time to be alive. There are very distinct things you think of when you picture a home in the '90s. We're going to take you through some of those memories with a scroll back in time....
If You Don't Or If You Do Novus Maybe Today Will Be Curious Cornelius Plum Forever Silent Spring She's In A Folded Wing (But Flying) The Farther Side Of Love Ain't That Enough For You The Patience Of A Kiss Daniel Romano’s Outfit featuring Danny Carey –“Forever Love’s Fo...
I Don't Even Want To Be Here He Wants To Tape His Camera To His Phone. Um, What? Unsplash, Canva He Wants To Tape His Camera To His Phone. Um, What? They Made Them Watch HGTV Unsplash, Canva They Made Them Watch HGTV You'd Think They'd Move That Thing Before Guests Arrived ...