I understand the meaning of the sentence, but can you please explain me why future tense is here? 알지 못할 힘이 already 났다. So it's present situation, that already happened. But why future??은 무슨 뜻인가요?
"크크 뜬금없지만 동혁군이 바쁜삶이 좋다구 했을땐 이해가 안됐는데 요즘따라 그 말의 뜻을 엄청나게 느끼고 있는중 바쁜삶 죠타 ♥ 햄보케" can someone explain to me what that "gun" means??
If you're talking that to someone,"난 날 더 이상 몰라요. 나는 누구에게든 따뜻한 말을 듣고 싶어요. 점점 나 자신을 잃어가는 것 같아서 내가 누군지 상기시켜줄 사람이 필요해요. 나보다...
Is this a highly offensive word? Can you tell me which word in English would convey the same idea?은 무슨 뜻인가요? tatsuca 11 7월 2021 일본어 ポンコツ is like junk/jerky and when it is used for a person, it is offensive like "old and useless." For objects such...
can you narrow it downIt means to be more specific. |it means "can you be more specific"的定义