Learn about the power of how you can help others. Can you help others? Find encouragement in sharing your love with others.
Though he didn’t understand the “why,” Job knew the essential character of God. If you’re struggling to understand or accept God’s circumstances in your life, don’t run from God; run to Him. Get to know Him better. Learn about Hisattributes—beginning with His goodness, His mercy...
What Bible verses could you meditate on? What are some immediate changes that you can make? Coming Up: In the next few days, we’ll talk about angry children, hypocrisy, the armor of God, what’s going on when we think we can sin now and ask forgiveness later, and more. I hope yo...
“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.”—Hebrews 6:19 (Bible Verses) “Visit the port of goodness often; if you can, cast your anchor over there!”—Mehmet Murat Ildan “Anchor- Safety, hope and salvation, planting ones own roots such as having a family....
There is nothing we can do to earn God’s forgiveness. #forgiveness #salvation #soulsurvival Click To Tweet Psalm 106.1-5: Relying on His Grace 4 Remember me, O LORD, with the favor You have toward Your people. Oh, visit me with Your salvation, ...
look at how the truth can become a reproach to some, the itching ears about which Paul wrote to Timothy, who the queen of heaven really is, how to test ourselves spiritually, the importance of standing up for the truth, and we’ll look at the question, “Should you follow your heart?