YOLOv7-POSE was used for key point detection, Bytetrack for tracking, and Stgan for fall and other behavior recognition - YOLOv7-Pose-Bytetrack-STGCN/train.py at main · Bigtuo/YOLOv7-Pose-Bytetrack-STGCN
YOLOv7-POSE was used for key point detection, Bytetrack for tracking, and Stgan for fall and other behavior recognition - YOLOv7-Pose-Bytetrack-STGCN/detect.py at main · Bigtuo/YOLOv7-Pose-Bytetrack-STGCN
Finally, the spatial temporal graph convolutional networks (STGCN) is used to analyze the spatial structure and dynamic changes of the key points of the human skeleton in the time series, achieving the analysis and recognition of unsafe behaviors. The e...
Yz saetdt nx Nidayct’a bpvc, rvb data xrc cwc daleebl gq BptwkCJ qnc Yrgjr. Ceg ssn hljn rxu sbelal jn RSZ tofmra nj qrv fordle, sltpi vrjn erteh files: training, otalanivid, ync rrvc datasets. Xvg baelgnli mtrafo jz rrstgdrahiatfow, zz osolfwl:...
YOLO-Pose-Bytetrack-STGCN YOLO-Pose:https://github.com/TexasInstruments/edgeai-yolov5 YOLO-POSE was used for key point detection, Bytetrack for tracking, and STGCN for fall and other behavior recognition. | | Key point detection, run the command below: python detect.py --weights "yolov5...
YOLOv7-POSE was used for key point detection, Bytetrack for tracking, and Stgan for fall and other behavior recognition - YOLOv7-Pose-Bytetrack-STGCN/test.mp4 at main · Bigtuo/YOLOv7-Pose-Bytetrack-STGCN
YOLOv7-POSE was used for key point detection, Bytetrack for tracking, and Stgan for fall and other behavior recognition - YOLOv7-Pose-Bytetrack-STGCN/test.py at main · Bigtuo/YOLOv7-Pose-Bytetrack-STGCN
RThTeXo30p9e0rawtinitgh s2y4stGemB owf avsidWeionmdoewmso1r0y.. PTyhtehosonft3w.8awreasenuvsierdonams tehnetpisrismuamrymparroizgerdamasmfionlg- loawngsu. aTghee, othperDatainrkgnseytsatenmd wPyaTsoWrcihnddoeweps l1e0a.rPnyinthgofnra3m.8ewaosrkussewderaes uthseedprtiomtarrayinptr...
YOLOv7-POSE was used for key point detection, Bytetrack for tracking, and Stgan for fall and other behavior recognition - YOLOv7-Pose-Bytetrack-STGCN/cfg at main · Bigtuo/YOLOv7-Pose-Bytetrack-STGCN