Kenwood , Ten Tec, Yaesu, Icom , Ameritron, Alpha, THP, Mirage, and just about all other brands. If you have any questions or comments, I would love to hear from you! 73 Bill N4ATS Note: No Longer Servicing the FL-7000. WantedAbout Bill N4ATSContact UsPayPalSite Map...
[资料简介]YAESU八重洲FL-7000短波电台维修手册,本音响维修手册为扫描版|-电路图 大小:6.10 MB 格式:PDF 语言:英文 English Service Manual Download 页数:34页 注意!本站所有维修手册都带有维修电路图!
The digi-tal IF fi lter and manual notch fi lter are inside the AGC loop, so you will not encounter AGC block-ing. The AGC time constants are fl exibly adjust-able from slow, middle, fast (or AGC-off) for each operating mode....
FL-7000 HF Linear amplifier 1200 watts input SSB. INFO Discontinued FM-747 FM Option. Discontinued FP-700 Power supply 13.8 VDC. Discontinued FP-757HD Power supply 13.8 VDC heavy duty. Discontinued FRB-757 Relay box. VIEW Discontinued MD-1B8 Desktop microphone. VIEW Discontinued MH-1B8 Up-Do...
(FL-7000)FL-7000desensitizetheprotectioncircuitryEnglishlanguage (FRG-100)FRG-10030KHzTO30MHzthisispossibleEnglishlanguage (FRG-100)FRG-100AGC3timesfasterEnglishlanguage (FRG-100)FRG-100audiomodsEnglishlanguage (FRG-100)AGCOffswitchforYaesuFRG-100Englishlanguage ...
3. Controller Board with 16-bit Processor; Interface Information; FL-7000; FT-710.The controller board is the "brain" of the Quadra. It incorporates a 16-bit micro-processor, which controls band selection, autotuner operation, amplifier housekeeping and protective functions. Sensors in the PA ...
(25A) YH-77STA Stereo Headphones SP-8 External Speaker w/Audio Filters FL-7000 500 Watt Solid State HF Linear Amplifier VL-1000 1000 Watt Solid State HF+50 MHz Linear Amplifier E-767 Band Data + T/R Switching Cable for FL-7000 RCA Connector (P/N P0090544) 2 Pin Miniature Plug (P...