He L, Jia K-H, Zhang R-G, Wang Y, Shi T-L, Li Z-C, et al. Chromosome-scale assembly of the genome of Salix dunnii reveals a male-heterogametic sex determination system on chromosome 7. Mol Ecol Resour. 2021. https://doi.org/10.1111/1755-0998.13362. Zhang W, Wang X, Yu Q,...
Sci China Inf Sci, 2025, 68(3): 132105Keywords: local causal structure learning; federated learning; directed acyclic graph; privacy-preserving data; federated layer-wise strategyCite as: Yu K, Rong C, Wang H, et al. Federated local causal structure learning. Sci China Inf Sci, 2025, 68(...
The WE43 alloy retains its properties at high temperature far in excess of 5000 h, whereas WE54 retains its properties at high temperatures for up to 1000 h [28]. Other Mg-Y-X (X stands for Sm, Gd, Zn, etc.) alloys [29-35] were also reported to exhibit high strength (as ...
50 tys. równoczesnych połączeń protokołu WebSocket na wystąpienie we wszystkich innych jednostkach SKU.8 Maksymalne połączenia IP są na wystąpienie i zależą od rozmiaru wystąpienia: 1920 na B1/S1/P0V3/P1V3 wystąpienia, 3968 na wystąpienie B2/S2/P...
# Export gzipped data from : curl -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' http://source-victoriametrics:8428/api/v1/export -d 'match={__name__!=""}' > exported_data.jsonl.gz # Import gzipped data to <destination-victoriametrics>: curl -X POST -H 'Content-Encoding: gzip' http://destination...
The autoradiogram shows competition of cold WT or −110 A > C probes (1X, 5X, 10X, 25X, and 50X molar excess) with radiolabeled WT probe for binding to BCL11A zinc fingers 4-6 expressed in COS-7 cells. Bound probe is indicated by a closed triangle. The graph shows ...
Most of the SLR has a high density of repetitive sequences in both the X and Y chromosomes (Fig.3g, h), and the entire short arm of the sex chromosome pair, including the centromeric regions of both the X and Y chromosomes, has features typical of heterochromatin, including an average ...
mopx / dokku morenoh149 / dokku morika-t / dokku mose / dokku mountriv99 / dokku mouserage / dokku mpmedia / dokku mpslanker / dokku mr337 / dokku mrchrisadams / dokku mrgodhani / dokku mrluc / dokku mrname / dokku mshuler / dokku ...
This can be seen graphically as a "kink" or a "cusp" in the graph at displaystylex=0. Even a function with a smooth graph is not differentiable at a point where its tangent is vertical: For instance, the function given by displaystylef(x)=x¹/³ is not differentiable at ...
Sigmoid(x) = 1 / (1 + e^-x) Problems with sigmoid: big values neurons kill the gradients. Gradients are in most cases near 0 (Big values/small values), that kills the updates if the graph/network are large. Not Zero-centered. Didn't produce zero-mean data. exp() is a bit...