本次部署软件压缩包为:mediawiki-1.31.1.zip、xampp-win32-7.0.33-0-VC14.7z。注意:本人尝试过安装xampp-win32-,该版本与mediawiki-1-31.1.zip不兼容会报Compact()问题导致无法部署MediaWiki。 本次用到的文本编辑器用notepad++,可以百度搜索下载。关于上述压缩包这里... ...
1. Re:如何配置Notepad++的C_C++语言开发环境 g++编译c文件? 你这是在哪里copy过来的吧 --sssschenyi 2. Re:virtualbox启动虚机报错:The VM session was closed before any attempt to power it on. 无法点击清除按钮要怎么办 --chi-456 3. Re:【杂】聊聊我的男神:Jordan Peterson 感谢整理,收藏了,刚...
1.安装XAMPP XAMPP是目前最流行的PHP开发环境。 XAMPP是完全免费且易于安装的Apache发行版,其中包含Apache、MariaDB、PHP和Perl。 百度搜索xampp,找到一个能下载的地方,下载下来。 双击安装,下一步,下一步,反正一直下一步就对了。 安装完毕,打开控制面板。 如果启动不了,那就是80端口或者443端口的其中一个被占用...
Inside the demo folder, Create a new file with a.phpextension.You can use any text editor, such as Notepad or Sublime Text. For example, create a file named kisorjandemo.php(The file name created is an example only; you can create the file name as per your preference). Write PHP cod...
Before we create and edit a website, you'll need a text editor. While you can use a default text editor like Notepad, it's typically best to download athird-party editor made specifically for code and markup.Sublime Textis one of the best around, so head to their website and download...
This will open apache-ssl.config file in notepad.Search for “Listen” and change the port number to 4443, the same one we set above. It should look like Listen 4443 XAMPP – Apache Server Config File Similarly search for VirtualHost _default_ and change the port number to ...
” MySQL operates as a client server database to PHP. To get your stuff to XAMPP for testing, all you’ve got to do is to save the scripts to the MyPHP directory within htdocs directory within XAMPP on your installation drive. Save them one by one as you copy them into Notepad, and...