X1 Carbon Gen 7,眼之所见、手之所触,还是熟悉的感觉。ThinkPad旗舰系列的独特之处,其一便是C面的...
(X230/X1 Carbon Gen7/ThinkPad 25/T430) 为了降低厚度、缩小尺寸,2008年的X300用上了7mm的超薄光驱和1.8英寸的SSD、电池放在了掌托之下,2011年的X1用上了缩减键程的六行浮岛式键盘;2012年X1 Carbon取消了机械硬盘、开始使用BGA低压CPU和板载内存、屏轴改为下沉式;2014年New X1 Carbon取消了键盘背面的钢板,为了保...
At 6% thinner than its predecessor, the ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 7 is only 14.9mm thin—or just a hair more than a half inch—and it weighs only 2.4lb/1.08kg. This lightweight package reinvents portability and untethers you from the office. With a battery life of up to 18.3 hours, and...
当年自己宣传的X1 YOGA GEN7续航是多久 我的是日版1240P,当年官方宣传使用时长能去到24小时,老子信了你滴邪···联想社区里面就有用户投诉新买的顶配1280P+4K OLED屏的版本实际使用只能不到4小时(那用户最终官方换主板解决了问题),实际在优化后正常办公使用8小时顶天了,官宣时长的33%,重度使用的话就4-5小...
Lenovo first announced the ThinkPad X1 Yoga Gen 7 at CES back in January, alongside the newThinkPad X1 CarbonandThinkPad X1 Nano. It was slated to arrive in March, so it's been on sale for a little while. There were a few key changes. The biggest, interestingly enough, is the spec ...
At 6% thinner than its predecessor, the ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 7 is only 14.9mm thin—or just a hair more than a half inch—and it weighs only 2.4lb/1.08kg. This lightweight package reinvents portability and untethers you from the office. With a battery life of up to 18.3 hours, and...
4000的非凡S3都能过Evo啥的,在我看来没有正面回答这个问题,即便是问题修改前的“Thinkpad X1 Carbon ...
1.5万的核显笔记本..先作两点说明:1. 这是美行X1 Yoga Gen 7 (2022),其表现不能代表:国行、X1 Carbon、上一代X1Y2. 我的购买需求是二合一笔记本,搭配台式机用。每个人的需求不同,请勿将自己
联想已正式推出其第七代ThinkPad X1 Carbon笔记本电脑。它于今年早些时候在2019年国际消费电子展上宣布,新款ThinkPad X1 Carbon拥有更薄更轻的机身,采用改进的4K液晶显示屏,具有500尼特的亮度和支持HDR,以及英特尔最新的第10代酷睿Comet Lake处理器,最高可达六个核心。ThinkPad X1 Carbon Gen 7采用全新碳纤维机身,...
与笔者上次使用的X1 Carbon 2019那块来自AUO的FHD IPS屏幕(具体型号为B140HAN05.7)不同,这块屏幕有些偏黄,且有些轻微拖影,虽然不太影响使用,但主观感受并不是很好。同时,上代4K版的X1 Carbon为人诟病的一点就在于BOE的显示屏,仅仅200Hz的低频PWM调光屏幕引发用户的不满,会造成部分用户视觉疲劳,相比之下,JDI版本...