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Wolcavi Biotech致力于干细胞免疫治疗、分子生物学 、免疫学、体外诊断等相关领域的实验需求产品开发和销售。主要产品有抗原抗体|无血清培养基|细胞培养耗材并代理销售Abcam、Invitrogen(Gibco)、Roche、Sigma、R&D、Meridian等二十多家国外知名品牌。 联系我们 北京市通州区金桥科技园景盛南二街12号纳特园区 Phone: +86...
对话顶尖科学家与投资人: Biotech 下一个十年,海外博士该如何做选择? ●北京时间5月14日9-11AM 主讲人:王晓东 林向红 崔远 ABOUT NEWS 生命科学讲坛系列 世界生物名家系列是由BioCosmo联合 东京大学、加州理工、卡罗林斯卡医学院、普林斯顿、苏黎世理工、耶鲁大学、约翰霍普金斯学联共同发起的线上公益讲座系列。我们希望...
CHO DUKX cell lineages preadapted to growth in serum-free suspension culture enable rapid development of cell culture processes for the manufacture of recombinant proteins. Biotech Bioeng. 1996; 52 :518–528. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0290(19961120)52:43.0.CO;2-S. [ Cross Ref ]...
Algorithm implementation of "Improving PD-L1 assessment in non-small cell lung cancer by applying high-dynamic-range on both planar and three-dimensional immunofluorescence images" - JelloXBiotechInc/immunofluorescenceHDR
Cells were grown on gelatin-coated flasks in serum-containing ES cell medium (DMEM (Sigma), 15% ESC-grade fetal bovine serum (FBS) (PanBiotech), 0.1 mM β-mercaptoethanol, 1000 U/ml leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF, Millipore)), supplemented with 2i (3 μM Gsk3 inhibitor CT-990...
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