X-Ray Recaps由Amazon Bedrock提供支持,Amazon Bedrock是一项完全托管的亚马逊云计算服务(AWS),用于构建和扩展具有基础模型的生成式人工智能应用。X-Ray Recaps综合利用Amazon Bedrock模型和在Amazon SageMaker上训练的自定义人工智能模型,分析各种视...
亚马逊Prime Video近日推出了一项名为X-Ray Recaps的创新功能,旨在帮助用户快速了解电视节目内容,避免剧透和节省时间。该功能由人工智能技术提供支持,通过个性化精确到正在观看的每一时刻,为整季、单集或片段节目生成简明易懂的摘要。X-Ray Recaps依托亚马逊Bedrock和Amazon SageMaker上的定制人工智能模型,能够分析视频片段...
When I press X to activate X-ray, I see all the way to bedrock, with just a few deposits of just about every type of ore. I can see Coal for instance, but only a few deposits. Then, when mining through transparent blocks (stone) I encounter Coal deposits, which suddenly appear out...
X-Ray Recaps 由亚马逊 Bedrock 提供支持,亚马逊 Bedrock 是一项 AWS 服务,用于利用基础模型构建和扩展生成式人工智能应用,X-Ray Recaps 分析各种视频片段,结合字幕或对话,生成对关键事件、地点、时间和对话的详细描述。 X-Ray 可随时在 Prime Video 详细页面或播放过程中查看。选择后,您可以从各种类型的回顾中进行...
亚马逊Prime Video近日推出了一项名为X-Ray Recaps的新功能,旨在帮助用户快速了解电视节目内容,避免剧透和浪费时间。该功能基于人工智能生成,能为整季、单集或片段节目创建简短易懂的摘要,个性化地精确到用户正在观看的那一分钟。X-Ray Recaps由亚马逊Bedrock提供支持,结合Amazon SageMaker上的自定义人工智能模型,分析视频...
Worthy of a look is the accordion-shaped bow, caused by the impact during sinking with hard unforgiving bedrock. Another point of interest is the six huge rear gun barrels, often filled with tiny juvenile rockfish. Earl Lowe, owner of Abyssal Dive Charters reports, “Well, we usually see ...
智能剧集总结新功能:亚马逊Prime Video最新推出了X-Ray Recaps,这项基于生成式人工智能的功能能够自动生成对剧集、季度或特定场景的精炼总结。便捷回顾,避免剧透:用户现在可以轻松回顾错过的剧情片段,无需倒带播放,同时不必担心提前知晓剧情发展。云服务支持,按需总结:X-Ray Recaps功能结合了亚马逊的Bedrock云服务,能够按需...
The bedrock on this island in the Stockholm archipelago contains a large number of different minerals. More than 70 rocks and minerals have been discovered and named after finds on the island, of which lithium is probably the most well known. Another is the very rare mineral holmquistite, whic...
Magic X-ray gives the ability to detect underground objects inMinecraft Bedrock. The main plus – it cannot be used as a hack! To use the Magic X-Ray to creative mode, simply enter the command "/give @s yellow_flower 1 1". In survival mode will be enough to start ...
In Save the World, you can purchase X-Ray Llamas that contain weapon and trap schematics, plus new Heroes, and more! Like a stinger, her fashion sense is always on point. Includes the following: 600 V-Bucks Yellowjacket Outfit Backstabber Back Bling ...