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X. Wang, Y. Peng, L. Lu, Z. Lu, M. Bagheri, R.M. Summers ChestX-ray: hospital-scale chest X-ray database and benchmarks on weakly supervised classification and localization of common thorax diseases Adv. Comput. Vis. Pattern Recognit. (2019), 10.1007/978-3-030-13969-8_18 Google...
Plasmid systems were highly heterogeneous in their genetic complexity. Thirty-seven plasmid systems contained sequences that could be classified into seven different plasmid incompatibility types (Inc11, Inc18, IncFIB, IncFIC, IncI-ɣ/K1, IncK2/Z and IncW; Supplementary Table9). Furthermore, 602...
yura-pakhuchiy / btcd YusukeShimizu / btcd yyforyongyu / btcd yzhanginwa / btcd Zatvobor / btcd zcheng9 / btcd zekchan / btcd zeta-dev / btcd gitter-badger / btcd zhangf911 / btcd zhanglei / btcd zhanglvmeng / btcd zhaohaijun / btcd zhiqiangxu / btcd...
EX-LITE Z EX-LITE ZE EXR301A/120 EXR301B/120 EXR301C/120 EXR301G/120 EXR301M/120 EXR301R/120 EXS301A/120 EXS301B/120 EXS301C/120 EXS301G/120 EXS301M/120 EXS301R/120 EXSNM301A/12 48 EXSNM301B/12 48 EXSNM301C/12 48 EXSNM301G/12 48 EXSNM301M/12 48 EXSNM301R/12 48...
struct Point { uint x; uint y; uint z; } mapping(Point => address) map; function test(uint x, uint y, uint z, address addr) public { Point p = Point(x, y, z); map[p] = addr; } If you use mapping(KeyType => TvmSlice) map; be sure that sum of bit-length of KeyType...
If there was sufficient card swapping going on ... then might as well give up on the idea of multiple signing per activation ... since the probability of a card being continuously powered from one use to the next can drop significantly. While it is still possible to have open, interoperab...
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VENDER铜球阀VENTUR接线端子VerderS-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z 在线询价 VERIBOR环眼吊装钩VERO力矩S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z检测仪VEMER 在线询价 VERO Electronics德国滤波器VERSA-MATIC排气阀S-T-U-V-W-X-Y-Z 在线询价 主营产品公司介绍 工业控制仪器仪表及零部件 详细...