Wuthering Waves is set in a futuristic post-apocalyptic open world, where a mysterious catastrophe known as the Lament swept the globe, wiping out most of humanity and leaving it on the verge of extinction. After the calamity, unknown beings and monsters appeared around the world, but humanity...
鸣潮自己启动了 La La Latch (Sam Smith/Disclosure/Naughty Boy Mashup) 崩坏:星穹铁道创作者激励计划 动画 MMD·3D 卡卡罗 崩坏星穹铁道2.2创作者激励计划 不是库洛你这什么爆率 罗刹 mmd 鸣潮Ironic_Metaphor 发消息 看不懂,我玩卡卡罗的目标已确认!斩!闪!破!兵不厌诈!雷鸣,獠牙尽显!有机会派上用场...
If you have a shortcut created for Wuthering Waves, simply right-click on it and go toProperties. Otherwise, go to the game’s installation directory and right-click theWuthering Wavesexecutable file to open itsProperties. From here, go to theCompatibilitytab and tick the following options: Di...