While the WTO has made notable progress in areas such as investment facilitation and e-commerce, it has yet to achieve significant breakthroughs in reform, according to experts. Li Rulin, vice-president of the China Law Society, said it is urgent for developed, developing and least-developed ec...
In economics, trade is described as the activity of purchasing and selling products and services. Typically, it involves exchanging ownership of goods and services from one person to another, usually in return for money. Trade is facilitated by a system termed as a mark...
以USC为例,核心课程包括Public Administration and Society,Economics for Policy, Planning, and Development,Intersectoral Leadership,Capstone in Public Administration,此外还需从Organizational Behavior,Finance和Analytical Methods这三类课程各选一门。其Concentration包括Local Government,Nonprofit Management,Health,Public Fi...
"China's move is a significant step to accelerate the litigation process against the United States over its IRA, and it warrants close attention," said Ji Wenhua, a law professor with the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing, China's capital. Ji said the U.S. measur...
We assess the prospects of China's future growth performance in two steps. The first step is to project the potential growth path by determining whether past successes were generated by economic experimentation that produced non-capitalist institutional innovations (e.g. incentive contracts to state ...
The recent attainment of some consensus marks a positive signal, but the road ahead may still be challenging, said Tu Xinquan, head of the China Institute for WTO Studies at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing. ...
President, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics Pei Jinlin Global Vice President of SAP Wang Dong President, Zhejiang China Commodities City Group Company Foreign honored speakers Todd McClay Minister for Trade, New Zealand ...
Furthermore, Business model innovation is measured by the ratio of income that does not belong to the industry where the firm is located, to the total income. In general terms, the indicators for corporate innovation include the R&D cost, a number of patents, and many new products (Jaffe et...
ThisgivesushigherandnewerdemandfortheknowIedgestructure,businessabiIityandideoIogicaI uaIityofourac countantsandsetsahigherre uirementfortheaccountingeducationinthetertiaryinstitutions.ThispaperanaIyzes theopportunitiesandchaIIengesouraccountingeducationfacesafterChinaentersWTOandsummarizessomeexperi encesoftheun...
He earned a B.Sc. Honours in Physics and an M.A. in Business Economics at the University of Delhi and a Ph.D. at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi.doi:10.2202/1524-5861.1155ChadhaRajeshDe GruyterGlobal Economy Journal