Ever since I've done that, if my share is offline, and I'm starting dockerfor the first time on bootthe WSL integration won't start with the following error: WSL integration with distro 'Ubuntu' unexpectedly stopped. Do you want to restart it?
As title says, when I click exit docker desktop on the moby icon on the system tray or in the GUI bottom left green corner, then the GUI closes down as it should but the wsl2 docker distros are still running and they will not stop unless I do wsl --shutdownor wsl --terminate dock...
WSL2 自己的 IP 可以用 hostname -I | awk '{print $1}' 得到 设置docker代理 参考docker官网文档, docker会使用环境变量HTTP_PROXY、HTTPS_PROXY、NO_PROXY环境变量来设置代理。 参考博客, 当启动docker服务时,后调用/etc/init.d/docker脚本,而此脚本会执行/etc/default/docker脚本,因此可在后者设置代理的环...
Here’s a quick demo of WSL 2 in action. When we start our distro we get access to a working bash shell in under two seconds, and can run services and apps like docker right away. To summarize: while WSL 2 does use a VM, it will be managed and run behind the scenes leaving you...
WSL+Docker安装MySql 直接在wsl安装 使用apt安装 启动:service mysql start 初始化:mysql_secure_installation 登陆:mysql -u root -p 配置允许远程以用户名和密码的方式连接 GRANTALLON*.*TO'root'@'%';ALTERUSER'root'@'%'IDENTIFIEDWITHmysql_native_passwordBY'你的密码';...
if you're having issue launching docker, or wsl, AND you're using proxy app the same time, you may encounter this problem, the wsl won't launch. this is probably your proxy app is using lsp to take control of wsl network automatically for convenience(my guess), which is deprecated alre...
Docker Minikube 1.14.0 Steps to reproduce the issue: Create minikube instance version=v1.19.2 driver=docker minikube start --kubernetes-version=$version --driver=$driver Create a deployment and a load balanced service kubectl create deployment balanced --image=k8s.gcr.io/echoserver:...