模块: Microsoft.PowerShell.Management 将事件写入事件日志。语法PowerShell 复制 Write-EventLog [-LogName] <String> [-Source] <String> [[-EntryType] <EventLogEntryType>] [-Category <Int16>] [-EventId] <Int32> [-Message] <String> [-RawData <Byte[]>] [-ComputerName <String>...
Microsoft.PowerShell.Management.Activities.dll Package: Microsoft.PowerShell.5.1.ReferenceAssemblies v1.0.0 Provides access to the EventId parameter. C++ public: property System::Activities::InArgument<int> ^ EventId { System::Activities::InArgument<int> ^ ...
[PowerShell] Disable File and Print Sharing on Public and Private Network Category [powershell] Help Deleting Rows in an excel document [PowerShell] How to change Windows 10 default web browser to IE using PowerShell? [Powershell] lastlogondate exactly 90 days ago [SOLVED] Domain Join Ass...
To create a new source for an event log, administrative privileges are required. But the nice thing is that you only have to do this once for the source. When it is installed on the computer, you don’t have to worry about it again. Additionally, you can leverage Windows PowerShell to...
PowerShell Write-Verbose[-Message] <String> [<CommonParameters>] 说明 Write-Verbosecmdlet 在 PowerShell 中将文本写入详细消息流。 通常,详细消息流用于传递有关命令处理的更深入的信息。 默认情况下不显示详细消息流,但可通过更改$VerbosePreference变量的值或在任何命令中使用 Verbose 通用参数显示该流。
此参数不依赖于 Windows PowerShell 远程处理。即使您的计算机未配置为运行远程命令,您也可以使用 Get-EventLog 的 ComputerName 参数。 是否为必需? false 位置? named 默认值 是否接受管道输入? false 是否接受通配符? false -EntryType <EventLogEntryType> ...
Query for File Properties in PowerShell With Windows PowerShell, we can easily query file properties using theGet-ItemPropertycommand. Let’s use one file as an example. Example Code: $filepath="C:\Temp\Login.log"Get-ItemProperty-Path$filepath ...
Available inAWS.Tools.CloudWatchLogs,AWSPowerShell.NetCoreandAWSPowerShell Synopsis Calls the Amazon CloudWatch Logs PutMetricFilter API operation. Syntax Write-CWLMetricFilter -LogGroupName <String> -FilterName <String> -FilterPattern <String>
These log events marked for deletion are also not included when you use an API to retrieve the storedBytes value to see how many bytes a log group is storing. Parameters -ClientConfig <AmazonCloudWatchLogsConfig> Amazon.PowerShell.Cmdlets.CWL.AmazonCloudWatchLogsClientCmdlet.ClientConfig Required?
vscode-powershell.log .Author KevinWGagel commented Jul 15, 2022 I have installed Powershell 7.2. Default-output seems to be working again now. I'll leave this open for a while and see how things go when I start working in ps again.Sydney...