But although flash fiction keeps things brief, it’s more than a snapshot or gesture of a story. Each piece of complete flash fiction still has a polished narrative arc. The stories are self-contained. To feel whole, they don’t need more context or backstory than what’s already provided...
主要介绍了Flash fiction是一种虚构的短篇小说。如果你愿意自己写flash小说,这里有一些建议。 (1)题详解: 上文“To begin with, decide your genre first.”(首先,决定你的类型。)引出话题,提到类型。下文“Your genre can be science fiction, horror, thriller(惊险小说), or romance, depending on what ...
快闪小说(Flash Fiction)是一种具有挑战性,又深受许多作家青睐的文学体裁,它能够在短小的篇幅中发掘情感,传达深刻的意义或道理。 快闪小说又称突发小说、短片小说、微型小说或微型故事,在Write the World比赛中,参赛选手必须在99个字或更短的篇幅中写出一个故事。 在撰写快闪小说时,你需要注意3大要点: 短小精悍,切...
The Fire Guardian | I Write Flash FictionIt had been a couple days since Greer and I had last taken flight-I never did like flying in the rain-but it was this kind of weather that made me really appreciate how great of a companion she really...The Fire Guardian...
快闪小说(Flash Fiction)是一种具有挑战性,又深受许多作家青睐的文学体裁,它能够在短小的篇幅中发掘情感,传达深刻的意义或道理。 快闪小说又称突发小说、短片小说、微型小说或微型故事,在Write the World比赛中,参赛选手必须在99个字或更短的篇幅中写出一个故事。
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《【预订】Write Flash Fiction Stories A Creative Writing Guide: For Writers and Story Tellers of Any Book Genre, Novels, Fiction Stories, Teen and Children‘s Bo》,作者:,出版社:Independently Published。最新《【预订】Write Fl
One flash fiction story under 500 words a week for 13 weeks – this is your challenge. Wow, here we are on Week 13. It's amazing streaking with all of you. Each week I'm excited to read your stories and see what you've all come up. I must say that I'm impressed with the div...
With flash fiction, you don’t have time for lengthy explanations, character introductions, and setting descriptions. You need to go straight into what is happening in order to get everything you want in the story. Be closely related. When writing flash fiction, you should know what you’re...
Paul Beckman is one of the best known flash fiction writers on the East Coast. Visit the Paul Beckman Writes website for a full collection of his briefs, short stories, flash fiction and six word stories.