WRF-Chem User Guide3.9.1.1 部分内容翻译 ,包含化学模式 后处理和可视化工具与WRF不同的是模型的化学部分需要提供额外的排放相关的输入数据。这些数据可以通过WPS(粉尘排放场)提供;诸如生物质燃烧、生物排放、GOCART背景场等也可以在real.exe初始化时读入;还可以在执行wrf.exe时读入如人为排放、边界条件和火山喷发等...
WRF-ChemVersion3.5User’sGuide TableofContents 1.1WRF-ChemIntroduction...3! 1.2WRF-Chemsoftware...5! 1.3Possibleapplicationsofthecurrentmodelingsystem...
The WRF/Chem User's Guide is designed to provide the reader with information specific to the chemistry part of the WRF model and its potential applications. It will provide the user a description of the WRF IChem model and discuss specific issues related to generating a forecast that includes...
若后面的WRF 或WPS 编译出错,建议使用WRFV3 User’s Guide 示例中使用的 1.900.1 版本。 步骤五:安装NCL NCL 是WRF 常用的画图工具。 ● 下载和解压: http://.ncl.ucar.edu/Download/(下载no OpeNDAP 且编译好的版本) mkdir /usr/local/ncl-6.3.0 ...
WRF/Chem version 3.1 user’s guide. http://ruc.noaa.gov/wrf/WG11/ About this Chapter Title Aerosol Simulation with Fully Coupled “Online” Meteorology-Chemistry Model WRF/Chem over Europe: Preliminary Results Book Title Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXI Pages pp 559-563 Copyri...
I'll also update the user guide. Sorry for the issues here. I was unaware that the CEMAC compilation has quite so many changes relative to the manual compilation.Author chmltf commented Jul 30, 2020 This helped, thanks. Although it is still having a problem finding a linked library for ...
(binary data needed to be embedded into WPS geog_data_path) and model userguide can be found in:https://github.com/RenChuanhua/wrf-nh3-chem_v1.0Ren, C., Huang, X., Liu, T., Song, Y., Wen, Z., Liu, X., Ding, A., and Zhu, T.: A dynamic ammonia emission model and the...