$ ./compile em_tropical_cyclone >& mylog & 之前说过,编译的理想试验是em_tropical_cyclone。不知道是WRF比较复杂还是我选取的这个试验比较复杂,这个编译的过程还是挺长的,大概需要几十分钟。 三、运行模式 首先进入我们选定的试验目录: $ cd test/em_tropical_cyclone 如果一切正常,此时目录里应当有ideal.exe和...
compile nmm_tropical_cyclone (NMM solver) compile –h help message where em stands for the Advanced Research WRF dynamic solver (which is the 'Eulerian mass-coordinate' solver). Type one of the above to compile. When you switch from one test case to another, you must type one of the abo...
对于em_fire, em_heldsuarez, em_scm_xy和em_tropical_cyclone情况,存在一个单独的初始化文件。对于其余理想化的情况,使用文件./WRF/dyn_em/module_initialize_ideal.F。注意,这两种初始化程序的WRF预测模型是相同的。在每个初始化模块中,都会执行相同的活动:...
安装过WRF,此时只需要新建一个新的文件夹,在新的文件夹下执行上述三个步骤你安装WRF 就可以了。例如,我就是在解压文件之前新建一个ideal 文件夹(# mkdir ideal)。2. 接着安装配置台风模拟的那部分 # ./ compile em_tropical_cyclone 温馨提示:配置错了,可以清除上一步配置的操作:# clean –a 3. ...
A test/em_squall2d_y/CMakeLists.txt A test/em_tropical_cyclone/CMakeLists.txt A tools/CMakeLists.txt A tools/CodeBase/CMakeLists.txt A doc/README.cmake_build M tools/fseek_test.c M README M arch/configure.defaults Modified file include an adjustment to a compile test to allow the...
( cd test/em_tropical_cyclone ; /bin/rm -f ideal.exe ; ln -s ../../main/ideal.exe . ) ( cd test/em_tropical_cyclone ; /bin/rm -f README.namelist ; ln -s ../../run/README.namelist . ; \ ln -sf ../../run/LANDUSE.TBL . ) ( cd run ; /bin/rm -f ideal....
compile em_real compile em_seabreeze2d_x compile em_squall2d_x compile em_squall2d_y compile em_tropical_cyclone compile exp_real (example of a toy solver) compile nmm_real (NMM solver) compile –h help message where em stands for the Advanced Research WRF dynamic solver (which currently ...
compile [-j n] em_squall2d_x compile [-j n] em_squall2d_y compile [-j n] em_tropical_cyclone compile -j n parallel make using n tasks if supported (default 2) compile –h help message 其中em代表“Eulerianmass-coordinate”求解器(即“高级研究WRF”动态求解器)。 键入上述命令之一进行编译...