The Mount Hyjal quest line begins for Alliance players in Stormwind City’s Trade District, right outside the Auction House in the center of the city. The quest “Hero’s Call: Mount Hyjal” can be picked up from the Hero’s Call Board and turned in atCenarion Emissary Jademoon in the...
Events of the Third War led to an alliance with both the night elves, Alliance refugees, and the Horde. This alliance of Azeroth's defenders defeated the Burning Legion at the Battle of Mount Hyjal. While the night elves and Kalimdor Alliance, led by Theramore, became permanent, tensions ...
After sensing an Azerite wound forming in Mount Hyjal, Magni rushed towards Nordrassil in order to protect the World Tree.[55] To that end, he instructed heroes to quiet the restless elementals and use their Heart of Azeroth to mend the wounds in order to prevent Hyjal from becoming anot...
With the Battle of Mount Hyjal over, and with it the immediate threat to the world, Thrall set out to found the new orcish homeland in Kalimdor. He named the land Durotar in honor of his father, and founded the city of Orgrimmar in honor of Orgrim Doomhammer. With the orcs' new ...
Taken from the Classic section: The Orcish Horde makes its way through Azeroth's landscapes, laying waste to the Kingdom of Stormwind in the First War. In Lordaeron (North of the Eastern Kingdoms), the humans, high elves, dwarves and gnomes of the region unite in the Alliance of Lordaeron...
This article contains "true" facts about High Overlord Varok Saurfang. They started at an unknown point in time, possibly after the Mind Controlled [Execute] bug. This only increased after he revealed his greatness leading the Might of Kalim
Not long after, the Defias Brotherhood began to excavate mines to fund their own nefarious schemes against Stormwind. While excavating Roland's Doom, a paranoid member - named Jitters - found the Scythe of Elune amidst the rubble. Once he touched it, the very shadows erupted with worgen from...
Shandris remained deeper in the foothills of Mount Hyjal while Tyrande took care of the human and orc problem. But her encampment came under heavy attack by the undead and they barely beat them back. When Tyrande arrived with the survivors of the demonic attack, she knew that the time had...
Mount Hyjal Grove of Aessina, Nordrassil, Srhine of Aviana Twilight Highlands Bloodgulch, Crushblow, The Krazzworks Uldum Oasis of Vir’sar, Ramkahen Vashj’ir Deepmist Grotto, Legion’s Rest, Silver Tide Hollow, Tenebrous Cavern Pandaria Dread Wastes Klaxxi’vess, Soggy’s Gamble Ja...
Note: Start at the side closest to duskwood and work youre self down STV. I lvled here from 32-33 up to 42-43 also got my mount money here, lots of grinding quests in rebel camp (for alli) and in the first camp inside STV (don't remembre the name of that camp, but both for...