Classic Era Transfer Destinations for Lost Hardcore Characters No one wants to become a ghost, but for those who wish to consider that eventuality, some end-of-life planning is in order. Death is not the end Oops, your hardcore character died. Now what? Your best option is to mov… ...
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I don’t know what to do about this current situation. Normally I’m a figure it out person but lately I am stumped on what to do about playing Classic Anniversary. My issue is the entire time i’ve spent levelling, I have …
One of the side points of interest to me with theWoW Classicexperiment… and it feels very much like an experiment at this point, with Blizz testing ideas… or just throwing things against the wall to see what sticks if you prefer… is how much the progression track version ofWoW Classici...
Having an issue using the most recent versions of WIM and PRAT 3.0 on WoW Classic (Classic Era) for message formatting receiving the following errors when responding or chatting. This only occurs when I have Prat selected in General -> Message Fomatting "Manipulate how WIM displays messages."...
Quest (A/H)It's Dangerous to Go Alone Warcraft Tavern › WoW Classic › WoW Classic Tools › WoW Classic Twink BiS Lok-tar ogar! Someone once said that you can’t go home again. But they lacked vision. And a temporal discombobulator! At Warcraft Tavern we’re huge fans of World...
2. Token Loot in Temple of Ahn'Qiraj Similarly to the "Paragons of Power" gear fromZul'Gurub, some bosses will drop tokens that can be exchanged by multiple classes for a piece of class-appropriate gear. Located to the left side of the Temple, in the area opened after killingThe Prophet...
Allows easy and automatic layer hopping within guild in WoW Classic. This addon will only exchange the layer ids and not "layer 1" or "layer 2". It will try to estimate if you are on layer 1 or 2, but if you want a more robust layer detection system, use
Layering is a limited form of sharding invented specifically for WoW Classic. It will be implemented to ensure a smooth launch in August, but comes with downsides and recent Closed Beta footage demonstrates just how easy it is to abuse the system in its
If you’re looking to have a long-lasting experience inWoW ClassicHardcore, you should start your journey with a tanky character like Paladin and Druid. The tankiness will serve as an additional protective layer during your adventures, and if you have a friend who has already picked a tanky...