Finally, we also removed the following from the candidate words of the two different sources: (1) words with r-ending retroflexion (e.g., 托儿 “accomplice”) where the second character儿 functions as a phonological suffix to a word and is usually not written out (Lv,1984; Huang & Liao...
New York, which in 1950 was number one with a population of around 12 million, will only be the sixth largest city in the world but with an extra 2 million.I: And London?E: London, which was number two, won’t even be in the top ten. Its population in 1950, by the way, was ...
teaist /a superfan of tea, stronger than SOED's: tea-drinker a person who drinks tea, esp. habitually or in large quantities;/chaist /a superfan of tea, closest to (Mandarin) chá/CHA, also with a lovely ring to it in Bulgarian and Russian/superfan /a fanatic not a mere fan/...
According to the 5-Point Likert Scale used to assess the respondent’s sentiments, the strongest views were denoted using numeric code “1” signifying a “strong agreement” with the statements posed, and numeric code 2 used to represent a “strong disagreement” with the same statements. ...