based approaches are effectively computing cross-lingual similarity (Agirre et al.,2009), they work with mere translation equivalents instead of relying on expert judgments on a concept in a given language. The synsets in WordNet reflect the concrete meaning of words, whereas the concept sets in...
cacaoholic /a la chocoholic/ teaholic /one who is heavily fond of tea/teaist /a superfan of tea, stronger than SOED's: tea-drinker a person who drinks tea, esp. habitually or in large quantities;/chaist /a superfan of tea, closest to (Mandarin) chá/CHA, also with a lovely ring...
Allen in Star Names writes (see below): “Other authors identified our Eridanus with the fabled stream flowing into the ocean from north-western Europe — a stream that always has been a matter of discussion and speculation (indeed, Strabo called it ‘the nowhere existing’)”. Eridanus or ...
shell>mongo[mongod@MongoDB conf]$ mongo MongoDB shell version:3.2.8connectingto: test>db.shutdownServer()shutdowncommandonlyworkswiththe admindatabase; try'use admin'>useadmin>db.shutdownServer() server should be down... 注: mongod进程收到SIGINT信号或者SIGTERM信号,会做一些处理 > 关闭所有打...
Even if data can be easily found and accessed, this does not necessarily mean that they can be used and reused. Most data sets presenting word and concept properties are available in the form of tabular data. In a spreadsheet, words or concepts are given in a row of the table, and prop...