So you can see that one meets all kinds of people on a U.S. college or university campus. Now that you have some general idea of differences in the student population, I’d like to talk a few minutes about what I think an average student is and then discuss with you what a typical...
we found that participants with an excessive number of ratings exceeding 25 were indeed unusual. In fact, an excessive number of ratings exceeding the participant’s age, excessive number of ratings exceeding 25, and excessive number of ratings of “0” (representing “I don’t know the word...
option to indicate that they did not know the word or its meaning, which explains why some words had a low number of ratings. On average, there were 0.64 “don’t know” responses for each word (range = 0–18,SD = 1.73). TheNs that appear in the descriptive statistics, and...
. But, the word that I've had to look up how to spell the most is "souvenir." I have spelled it so wrong that even spell-check couldn't figure out what I was typing! I have NEVER spelled it right on the first try.Is there a word that you still have a tough time with, no ...
For example consider 'grave', 'game' and their wide-spread adverbial forms: 'graveLY', 'gameLY'. Now how come that 'hardware' and 'software' adverbials don't have (in SOED, HERITAGE) green light?How about 'number' and 'numberLY' (SOED is silent), while 'name' and 'nameLY', 'word...
All I have to say is... THANK GOD for spell-check! Unless you're a spelling bee champion, chances are that you've had to look up how to spell a word at some point. As somebody who writes articles as part of my job, I'm not afraid to admit that there are some words that con...
So we’re not a commune in the sense that all of us live together in the same place. There are some members who like to travel, others who stay at home. Everyone is free to live in whatever way they like. Our slogan is “Do Whatever You Want, Don’t Do Whatever You Don’t ...