The Unit tests shows error in local and GH workflow. See Errors [08-Nov-202404:56:04UTC]WordPressdatabase errorTable'tests-wordpress.wp_pc_options'doesn't existforquerySELECToption_name, option_valueFROMwp_pc_option...
Defenderalso includes a malware scanner and firewall). But if you’re looking for something simple, tryWPS Hide Login, which just hides your login. Just don’t forget to bookmark your new login page so you
Invoking the JSON API implicitly (i.e.,?json=1) on a search results page search- set to the desired search query = Optional arguments = count- determines how many posts per page are returned (default value is 10) page- return a specific page number from the results post_type- used to...
Generate bulk pages, posts, or custom entity posts in a matter of minutes to increase your SEO presence. One plugin, no hassle.
Generate bulk pages, posts, or custom entity posts in a matter of minutes to increase your SEO presence. One plugin, no hassle.
Trusted by 20000+ websites Everything You Need Use Amazing blocks to design beautiful landing pages from scratch add Videos, Images and even Shapes to backgrounds giving your landing pages elite look. All the features you need are already integrated in PluginOps Landing Page Builder. Built in A...
Step 3: Click Upload on the top left of that page Upload Step 4: Upload the My Precious file from Step 1 then select the sites you want to install it on leave both “Installation Options” checked Choose sites Step 5: Click Complete Installation ...
The Ludum Dare competition entry page is here. I’ve only completed this game jam once before (a few years ago), but have attempted it several times. I usually end up giving up partway through when I have no good ideas, my ideas aren’t panning out well enough, or it stops being fu...
I’ll try to provide links to as many items as I can, though not every publication has it’s own page on the website, in which case you can find more informationhere(though you might have to scroll a bit to find the title in question). Or if you’re looking forThe Green Book, ...
Trying to load the new file inside JPEXS flash decompiler doesn’t help too much really. As you can see there’s no code inside, only the suspicious thing represented by the binary data. Don’t know what’s behind that byte’s sequence, I decided to come back to the hex editor. A ...