之前装了wamp,然后建了数据库成功了,安装wordpress时,出现了Error: PHP is not running。求解。 diipo Warning 8 其他项目呢 能显示不? 难得找个名字 路过酱油 1 能的。谢谢呀,现在已经装好了。出现那样情况是因为按照教程来装,同学帮我重装了10分钟就搞定了,她说不用管那个错误,开了locallhost新建了一个...
That’s really it. We recommendApacheorNginxas the most robust and featureful server for running WordPress, but any server that supports PHP and MySQL will do. That said, we can’t test every possible environment andeach of the hosts on our hosting pagesupports the above and more with no ...
If you find an index.php or index.html file, then this is unlikely to be causing your 403 error. If you can’t find an index file, then this could be the issue that’s generating the 403 error. Start by creating and uploading a blank “index.html” or “index.php” file into the...
As Optimaz ID pointed out, the code below helped me hide the PHP error message in a case where the user uploads a file larger than the upload_max_filesize and post_max_size set in php.ini (which is almost impossible when a large value is set). ob_get_contents()...
This, of course, is not a permanent solution, but it does help you keep your website up and running, which allows you to investigate the problem at a more convenient time. Do you have questions about the “502 bad gateway” WordPress error? Let us know in the comment section below!
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Part of PHP Collective 45 Does anyone know what this error message on WordPress means? Unexpected response from the server. The file may have been uploaded successfully. Check in the Media Library or reload the page. I couldn't find any errors that I can think of. This happened when I...
Fixing the "The link you followed has expired" WordPress error doesn't have to be a headache. We offer 4 solutions right here.
Your server is running PHP version 5.3.29 but WordPress 5.4.2 requires at least 5.6.20.(您的服务器运行的是PHP5.3.29版本,但是WordPress5.4.2至少需要5.6.20版本。) WordPress程序不能获取5.4.2版本的原因是服务器运行的PHP版本过低,WordPress要升级到5.4.2版本,就必须升级服务器运行的PHP版本,未满足WordPre...
PHP 安装 7.4 及以上版本 安装phpmyadmin,可视化管理数据库 2-宝塔面板可视化安装 宝塔面板是非常主流的...