When you want some help being more productive around the home and office turn to these WordPerfect tutorials. Here we'll show you how to create forms, set up mail merge, and much more!
只有英文版的。另:Core公司发布了WordPerfect办公套装的第17个版本“Corel WordPerfect Office X7”,是微软Office的最新丶最佳替代方案,包括字处理软件WordPerfect X4丶电子表格软件Quattro Pro X7丶演示文稿软件Presentations X7三大部分。提供了对PDF文档格式的全面支持,号称是“世界上第一套PDF办公套装”...
According to Corel, “WordPerfect Office X7 offers support for Microsoft Office file formats... You can open, edit, and save the latest Microsoft Office file formats in each WordPerfect Office X7 application. Whether it’s a Word document (DOCX), spreadsheet (XLSX), or presentation (PPTX), ...