The wordless picture book has been designed for adults and children of all ages. This paper will explore its historic placement and relevance, as well as the universal language that conveys the story of the wordless picture book. I will examine the specific components used in creating these ...
2017). It brings together traditional reader response theories and the relatively new field of wordless picturebooks with the purpose of exploring 11-year-old children’s connections while reading wordless picturebooks with no adult intervention, in two different contexts...
and engaged in higher quality conversations during the wordless picture book in which they helped children learn new concepts. Whenever children talk more about a book, and adults teach new concepts from the book, children’s language and literacy skills grow. ...
almost wordless picturebook. The findings contribute to the limited scholarship on Kindergarten students' inferences and interpretations about elements of artwork, design, and layout in wordless and almost wordless picturebooks, and overall, add to the literature on young children's infer...
Calder, JoHardaker, Bo-DeneExley, BerylPractical Literacy: The Early & Primary Years
Peters, John
Twelve kindergarten children and twelve children from grades two, four, and six were asked to read a wordless picture book. The children were considered by their teachers to be of average reading ability. Two books were used in this study with six (three boys, three girls) children of each...
PICTURE books for childrenPICTURE booksCREATIVE thinkingEARLY childhood educationPurpose: This study explores the impact of wordless picture books on the creative development of young children. It investigates how these books, which combine visual and literary elements, can stimulate...