_ Fall books read aloud _ Fall story for kids 🍂🍂🍂 08:01 Old CLOTHES for DINNER_! Hispanic Heritage Month read alouds _ 🇨🇺 Bilingual Bo 11:52 Pebble Without a Cause _ Building Confidence & Self-Esteem _ Bedtime stories for 10:20 The Apple that FELL FAR from the Tree...
第一个是介绍这个week需要掌握到的口语词汇(read aloud也是讲口语词汇的,我们基本上略过因为糯米不喜欢...
Embark on a magical journey with "Wonderland Bedtime Adventures: Diverse Tales for Dreamy Nights" by Etienne Noumen. This enchanting app and eBook collection of…
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I want to show you what else I’ve seen in the past week, cuze part of the fun is interpreting the stories. Last weekend, in the midst of a snowstorm, I taught a tracking lesson for this year’s Maine Master Naturalist class. One of the activities, that also served as an ...
Vooks is an ad-free, kid-safe streaming platform that puts an entire digital library of animated storybooks right at your fingertips. Through subtle animation, read-aloud narration, highlighted read-along text, and engaging music and sound effects, we br
I will always read aloud. I will always sing. I will always marvel at nature. I will always listen to children. I will always embrace every new moment and adventure that children discover and run with it. Thank you, Penny! Jennie
Bewildered, Bewitched & Bothered (Part 2, Chapter 7 ofA Million Sticky Kisses, by Sally Rose): I got up early the next morning because the supervisor had granted me permission to attend the meeting which started at 8:00am. I was at the Metro station by 7:30, where the free newspaper ...
LessermooK00·6/29/2024 Copy Link Timeless classic. It's amazing this iteration was made in the 50s, masterclass production. "I was just giving myself some advice.", whatever age she was: 12 or whatnot, she was a very sophisticated & sassy kid lol. A lot of fun interactions and dia...
On this day, like so many others, I want to express my appreciation for the Pileated Woodpecker’s part in this world, for creating nesting sites that others, such as small songbirds, may use, and how he helps the trees in the forest by contributing to their decomposition, for as much ...