Key references in the New Testament show that women were active and accepted both in the occasional charismatic working of the Spirit and in ongoing ministries such as teaching and church-planting. It is argued that they served not only as deaconesses, but also as elders. The apparent pro...
Women's Status and Ordination as Elders or Bishops in the Early Church, Reformation, and Post-Reformation Eras This paper investigates the views of the status of women in the church and whether women were ordained as elders, bishops, or priests in certain periods of the history of the Christi...
let the women keep silent. For it is not permitted for them to speak, but to be in subjection, just as the law says. But if they wish to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home. For it isshameful for women to speak in church. ...
The rural church may be an effective health resource for rural Canadian women who have compromised access to health resources. The purpose of this paper is to explore the relevance of the Christian church and faith community nurses in promoting the health of rural Canadian women in the evolving ...
When he takes Esther as his new queen, she manages to gain from him a pledge of safety for her people, the Jews.There also is the story of the bond between Ruth and Naomi, the story of Susanna and the Elders (an ancient reporting of sexual harassment), of Judith killing the enemy ...
And is it possible for a local church (pastors & elders) to proclaim a certain view as “doctrine” but leave room for members to disagree? I think so. One thing is for certain, this is a task for folks in community together and those who are willing to wrestle with it. That’s ...
For six weeks the Quaker women held meetings and services at various dwellings around Dover. Finally, one of the elders of the First Church, Hatevil Nutter, had had enough. A petition by the inhabitants of Dover was presented “humbly craving relief against the spreading and the wicked errors...
“I remind you of a great and remarkable revelation given through the Prophet Joseph Smith to his wife Emma and applicable to every woman in the Church, for the Lord said in concluding this revelation ‘that this is my voice unto all.’ (D&C 25:16.) ...
In most African countries, when a girl has completed her education at a university or higher learning institution, the next expectation from parents, elders, friends, brothers and sisters, and society at large, is to see her bring a man home for marriage. And if they don’t see that, the...
“during his preaching he seeks approval in the eyes of elders in the church”) and are convinced of the core of the tradition of the Church, feeling it from inside and not questioning it, not because of a lack of education, but because of their strong belief and an internal state ...