7. What is the IP address of your DHCP server? 8. What IP address is the DHCP server offering to your host in the DHCP Offer message? Indicate which DHCP message contains the offered DHCP address. Offer和ACKDHCP messages中包含这个IP地址。 9. In the example screenshot in this assignment,...
Draw a timing datagram illustrating the sequence of the first four-packet Discover/Offer/Request/ACK DHCP exchange between the client and server. For each packet, indicated the source and destination port numbers. Are the port numbers the same as in the example given in this lab assignment? 时...
wireshark实验DHCP Wireshark Lab: DHCP Version: 2.0 2007 J.F. Kurose, K.W. Ross. All Rights Reserved Computer Networking: A Top-down Approach, 4th edition. In this lab, we’ll take a quick look at DHCP. Recall that DHCP is used extensively in corporate, university and home-network wire...
Wireshark Lab : DHCPDhcp, PJ.F.Kurose, K.W. Ross."Wireshark Lab: TCP" Version 2.0. 2007.
in the Wireshark lab. Once you have downloaded the trace, you can load it into Wireshark and view the trace using the File pull down menu, choosing Open, and then selecting the dhcp-ethereal-trace-1 trace file. You can then use this trace file to answer the questions below.
A1:ARP/DHCP/DNS Q2:从HTTP GET消息发送到HTTP OK回复需要多长时间? (默认情况下,分组列表窗口中的时间列的值是自Wireshark开始捕获以来的时间(以秒为单位)。要想以日期格式显示时间,请选择Wireshark的“视图”下拉菜单,然后选择“时间显示格式”,然后选择“日期和时间”。) ...
显示过滤器支持若干的过滤选项:源 MAC、目的 MAC、源 IP、目的 IP、TCP/UDP传输协议、应用层协议(HTTP, DHCP)、源端口 Port、目的端口 Port 等。在显示过滤器栏中输入过滤表达式(更详细的显示过滤语法可以查看 WireShark 的官方文档 1 ) 6. 通过主菜单“文件”/“导出特定分组”(如图1.1–6),可以保存捕获的...
先伪造 DHCP: sudo msfconsole,然后 use auxiliary/server/dhcp 分别设置 DNSSERVER、SRVHOST 为本机 IP,NETMASK 设置为 set DNSSERVER 假的DNS 服务器地址 set SRVHOST 假的DHCP 服务器的地址 set NETMASK ...
1、使用DHCP获取IP地址 (1)打开命令窗口,启动Wireshark。 (2)输入“ipconfig/release”。这条命令会释放主机目前的IP地址,此时,主机IP地址会变为0.0.0.0 (3)然后输入“ipconfig/renew”命令。这条命令让主机获得一个网络配置,包括新的IP地址。 (4)等待,直到“ipconfig/renew”终止。然后再次输入“ipconfig/rene...
1、使用DHCP获取IP地址 (1)打开命令窗口,启动Wireshark。 (2)输入“ipconfig/release”。这条命令会释放主机目前的IP地址,此时,主机IP地址会变为0.0.0.0 (3)然后输入“ipconfig/renew”命令。这条命令让主机获得一个网络配置,包括新的IP地址。 (4)等待,直到“ipconfig/renew”终止。然后再次输入“ipconfig/rene...