The sleep prolonging effect of 6-aminonicotinamide is elicited only after a latency of several hours. The findings, under 4-acetylpyridine treatment, that no change in the barbital sleeping time occurs, that after hexobarbital the serum concentration of hexobarbital is greater than in normal ...
The prolongation of life in the irradiated males is probably neither a consequence of reduced fertility nor due to a hygienic effect, i.e. destruction of parasitic microorganisms. It seems probable that irradiation with the above mentioned doses stimulates certain regenerative processes....
Haloperidol blocked the inward rectifier IK1 in the outward current range at 40 mV to a larger extent (by 52±7%) than sertindole (by 29±2%). Since I K1 contributes to the late phase of repolarisation, the more pronounced blocking of this current by haloperidol than by sertindole may ...