Tried numerous times but will not install Bluetooth for windows 10 and 11 Any help appreciated. Pat 翻訳 Acer Aspire C20.docx 12 KB 0 件の賞賛 返信 すべてのフォーラムトピック 前のトピック 次のトピック 2 返答(返信) LeonWaksman スーパーユーザー 03-07-2023 03:54 AM...
40 year old with building my own pc's for all times and i have never experienced something as trash as this 14900k i9 processor and its issues. What makes this worse is the time it takes intel to solve this absolute dumpsterfire of a pr...
I included the Intel processor comparison and mismatch ram error screenshot along with screenshot of 32GB 5600MHz memory prices including Lenovos which is 3 times Amazons price. I also included three of the laptop in question. I found documentation about faster memory speed than the processo...
40 year old with building my own pc's for all times and i have never experienced something as trash as this 14900k i9 processor and its issues. What makes this worse is the time it takes intel to solve this absolute dumpsterfire of a pr...
LoloWiwi 新規コントリビューター II 09-27-2023 10:46 AM 82,557件の閲覧回数 Hi Albert R. Thanks for your feedback. My feedback : BIOS: up to date (checked with Asus support) with version 1303 (2023/08/25) Memory tests: I'...