Times New Roman 斜体 timesi.ttf Trebuchet MSTrebuchet MS 標準 trebuc.ttf Trebuchet MS 太字 trebucbd.ttf Trebuchet MS 太字 斜体 trebucbi.ttf Trebuchet MS 斜体 trebucit.ttf VerdanaVerdana 標準 verdana.ttf Verdana 太字 verdanab.ttf Verdana 斜体 ...
); if (result == FALSE) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { // The function call failed. ToDo: Error logging and recovery. return FALSE; } } else { // The I/O completed, done. return TRUE; } // The I/O is pending, so wait and see if the call times out. /...
May be specified multiple times. Patterns can be negated, such that files matching them will not be overwritten, by prefixing them with an exclamation mark. Subsequent matches will override previous ones. A leading literal exclamation mark or backslash needs to be escaped. QUERY OPTIONS (APPLY ...