3 右键任务栏开始按钮,选择(命令提示符(管理员)())4 输入命令“dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /Source:H:\sources\sxs”后回车,注:最后的 "H:\source\sxs"路径中H为镜像被加载的盘符,每个人操作时加载的盘符有可能不同,需要以实际的盘符为依据;5 再次打开 "控制面板\程...
Copilot is your AI companion Always by your side, ready to support you whenever and wherever you need it. Download the Copilot app Download the latest from Windows, Windows Apps, Office, Xbox, Skype, Windows 10, Edge & Internet Explorer, Dev Tools & more. ...
1 使用快捷键 win +R 打开资源管理器 输入: cmd 点击: 确定在 cmd 里面输入:net share 即可查看所有的共享盘,2 删除共享盘: net share ipc$ /delete 3 查看共享资源发现 ipc$ 连接已经删除了:net share 4 但是这样一个一个的删除, 是不是很麻烦, 而且每次开机都要进行删除, 这里我们可以写一个 批处理...
Denne artikkelen beskriver Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 språkpakker. Du må ha den engelske versjonen av .NET Framework 4.7.2 som er installert på datamaskinen før du installerer en språkpakke. Laste ned og installere .NET Framework 4.7.2...
Про Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2, мовнийпакет Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2, мовнийпакет, міститьперекладені помилок і текст інте...
Rx .NET is a managed library that provides APIs for writing reactive, push-based apps. Reactive apps are driven by their environment. In the reactive model, data streams, asynchronous requests, and events are represented as observable sequences. The app can subscribe to these observable sequence...
Windows操作系统是一种()操作系统。A.多用户.单任务B.单用户.多任务C.单用户.单任务D.多用户.多任务 点击查看答案 你可能感兴趣的试题 第1题:双绞线可以传输()。A.模拟数据B.光信号C.数字数据D.数字数据和模拟数据 答案解析与讨论:点击查看 第2题:光纤通信系统是以()的通信方式。A.光波为载体.光导纤维...
尚未安装 .NET Framework 4 Client Profile,原因是:HRESULT 0xc8000222 原来跟windows update有关真心蛋疼啊!!!解决办法:1.在win7的C:\Windows\System32目录里面 右键cmd.exe以管理员方式运行 2.上面的cmd命令行里面输入 net stop WuAuServ 3.继续输入 echo %windir% 4.在弹出来的文件夹(一般是C:\...
If your application uses an Active Directory user store, you should use Integrated Windows authentication. When you use Integrated Windows authentication with an ASP.NET application, the best approach is to use an Internet Information Services (IIS) authentication method coupled with the Windows authent...