To get the federation service name, run the following command on the primary AD FS server: Get-AdfsProperties | select hostname The certificate is not revoked. Check for certificate revocation. If the certificate is revoked, SSL co...
适用于:支持的 Windows Server 版本 现象 SRV 和域控制器(DC)定位符的域名系统(DNS)注册(由 Netlogon 注册)和 NS 记录(由权威 DNS 服务器添加)在 Active Directory 集成的 DNS 区域中,某些 DC 可能无法在包含大量 DC(通常超过 1200 个)的域中工作。 如果 Active Directory 集成 DNS 区域的名称...
Inbox W32Time NTP Client and NTP Server can be enabled or disabled independently and both share UDP port 123 for their functions. Inbox W32Time NTP Client can only use UDP 123 as the source port. If you have a computer with multiple network adapters (is multi-...
Last success @ <date> <time> 描述錯誤「RPC 伺服器無法使用」的範例輸出 REPADMIN /SYNCALL 如下所示: 主控台 複製 C:\>repadmin /syncall CALLBACK MESSAGE: Error contacting server \<object guid of NTDS Settings object>._msdcs.\<forest root domain>.\<top level domain> (...
法典-A delegation for this DNS server can't be created because the authoritative parent zone can't be found or it doesn't run Windows DNS server. If you're integrating with an existing DNS infrastructure, you should manually create a delegation to this DNS server in the parent zone to ens...
If the tests above or a network trace doesn't show a name query returning an invalid IP address, consider stale entries in HOST files, LMHOSTS files, and WINS Servers. DNS Servers can also be configured to perform WINS fallback name resolution. Ve...
获取一台电脑 探索Windows 11 的功能 AI 触手可及,让你能随时随地获得最佳性能表现。使用 Windows 11 的功能来保护和改善数字生活。 认识Windows 11 开始Windows 11 之旅 获取所需的帮助,轻松切换到 Windows 11,并开始享受 Windows 所提供的一切精彩。 关注我们...
适用于:Windows Server 2016 现象 你使用的是第三方 DNS 服务器解决方案,在使用条件转发时无法一致地解析名称。 本地DNS 服务器(可以连接到配置为条件转发器(的 DNS 服务器。 从 DNS 服务器到条件转发器的第一个请求成功解析名称(例如,。 一...
To change the timezone on a Windows Server, you can open Run, then type"ms-settings:dateandtime"and then hit OK. Now, this will open a window allowing you to change the date and time along with the timezone of your server.
在Windows server 2016系统下,有时通过netstat查看会有端口处于TIME_WAIT的状态,此时对应服务已关闭但是端口仍处于占用状态,直到TIME_WAIT预设时间到后才会释放端口,一旦有大量应用需求都处于TIME_WAIT会导致没有多余端口分配给新的应用,此时可以选择设置修改TIME_WAIT的时间,如何设置呢?