1.自动分屏 Split the screen 快捷键:Windows logo key+方向键 可以快速实现电脑分屏,适合在边看录制的视频边做笔记等。分屏后的每个区域都可以手动调节大小。 Shortcut key: Windows logo key + Arrow keys Allows you to quickly split the screen of your computer...
Windows快捷键大全主键盘区: Esc 键:escape,退出键。 Tab 键:tabulator key,跳格键,在文本编辑软件中增加四个空格,Windows中可用于切换屏幕上的焦点。 Ctrl 键:control,控制键。 Shift 键:上档键。 Alt 键:换档键。 Caps Lock 键:大写锁定键,用于切换系统大写锁定。 Windows 键:键盘上画着一个Windows视窗图...
当然你想改变默认的 Win + 方向键的布局,你直接勾选 FancyZones 设置中的第三个复选框 Override Windows Snap hotkeys (Win + Arrow)...你可以根据自己的屏幕大小、使用喜好来选择和调整出最适合自己工作的布局。这样在工作时,便能将多个程序窗口以最合理的方式地排铺在屏幕上,以此提高自己的生产力和效率。管...
Windows Key + Down Arrow–I didn’t know that项目 2014/03/07 I accidently did Windows Key + Down Arrow. For Windows Store apps - It turn out that is closes an app. Interestingly enough, the app isn’t removed from memory. If is suspended and removed from the Windows 8 Task list (...
Windowskey +e Hide theStartscreen or minimize all active windows and menus to display the desktop. Repeat this key press combination to restore the previous view. Snap a Window Windowskey +left arroworright arrow Move and resize the current window to the left or right half of the screen. ...
Windows logo key + Down arrow Moves down through the sequence of Maximized > Windowed > Minimized for the focused window Windows logo key + M Minimizes all windows Windows logo key + D Hides or unhide the desktop Windows logo key + I Opens Settings Common app shortcuts Note: These ...
後續按鍵是由存取金鑰架構處理,在按下有效的存取金鑰之前,會拒絕無效的按鍵,或按下 Enter、Esc、Tab 或 Arrow 鍵以停用存取金鑰,並將按鍵處理傳回給應用程式。Microsoft Office 應用程式提供存取金鑰的廣泛支援。 下圖顯示啟用存取金鑰的 Word 的「首頁」索引標籤 (請注意對數字和多次按鍵的支援)。Microsoft Word...
{"__typename":"FailureReason","message":"error.lithium.policies.forums.policy_can_publish_on_create_workflow_action.accessDenied","key":"error.lithium.policies.forums.policy_can_publish_on_create_workflow_action.accessDenied","args":[]}}},"shortTitle":"Windows 11","tagProperties":{"__...
Windows logo key+ Plus sign (+) or Minus sign (-) When Magnifier is on, zoom in or out Ctrl + Alt + mouse scroll wheel Zoom in and out using the mouse scroll wheel Windows logo key+ Ctrl + M Open Magnifier settings Ctrl + Alt + arrow keys ...
Blocks the Windows logo key+K key combination used to open the Connect charm. WindowsL Blocks the Windows logo key+L key combination used to lock the device. WindowsLeft Blocks the Windows logo key+Left arrow key combination used to snap the active window to the left half of the screen. ...