下載824146安全性修補程式,然後將其安裝在所有計算機上,以解決 Microsoft 安全性布告欄 MS03-026 和 MS03-039 中所識別的弱點。 注意 824146安全性修補程式會取代 823980 安全性修補程式。 Microsoft 建議您安裝824146安全性修補程式,其中也包含 Microsoft 資訊安全佈告欄 MS03-026 (823980) 中所解決問題的修正程...
Now that we have the WCF service running and the STS, it’s time to establish a trust relationship between them. In practical terms, that means that the WCF service binding and behaviors collection will be configured in a way that will make the service require tokens from LocalSTS from all...
I'm running into this bug on Windows as well with the Powerwall-Dashboard container (although it doesn't seem to affect my other Teslamate container). I tried downgrading to 4.24.2 and and it works. So the bug is between that version and 4.28. Don't really feel like testing all the ...
If i ignore the update request I get a message in the Football Manager application (game) that says i dont have the latest graphic drivers. Following the update the game doesn't flag that i have incorrect graphic divers suggesting the update has been successful. A list of my PC spec and...
thanks @ricmestre : I've used a compare-object to compare 2 arrays of Id but it doesn't support $null - replacing $null by @() should do the trick I'll enforce it tonight William-Francillette mentioned this issue Jun 5, 2023 PR: IntuneDeviceConfigurationAdministrativeTemplatePolicyWindow...
0x80004015 -2147467243 CO_E_WRONG_SERVER_IDENTITY The security descriptor on the BITS service was changed by a security template such that NetworkService account doesn’t have READ access to BITS service. 0x8000FFFF -2147418113 E_UNEXPECTED 0x80010100 -2147417856 RPC_E_SYS_CALL_FAILED 0x8001010...
The security descriptor on the BITS service was changed by a security template such that NetworkService account doesn’t have READ access to BITS service. 0x8000FFFF -2147418113 E_UNEXPECTED 0x80010100 -2147417856 RPC_E_SYS_CALL_FAILED 0x80010105 -2147417851 RPC_E_Serverfault 0x80010108 -2147417848...
Are TLS 1.2 or TLS 1.3 supported nowadays? (I have a dedicated Remote Desktop Gateway and Remote Desktop Licensing server but Remote Desktop Connection Broker and Remote Desktop Session Host roles are installed on the same server). Thank you....
Your Speccy data doesn't necessarily indicate a hard drive problem...but I would check it as a matter of procedure since everything that can go wrong within Windows...is on the hard drive. Louis BC Malware Forum Back to top #6
I have done some experiments, I believe I have figured out the problem. Proset seems to switch the default wlan profile type from "all-users" to "per-user". When RDP connects, the local user is logged out (locally at least), and this causes the network to disconnect, causi...