--wsl-default-data-root=<path>: Specifies the default location for the WSL distribution disk. --always-run-service: After installation completes, startscom.docker.serviceand sets the service startup type to Automatic. This circumvents the need for administrator privileges, which are otherwise neces...
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Most ports in vcpkg build the libraries in question using the original build system preferred by the original developers of those libraries, and download source code and build tools from their official distribution locations. For use behind a firewall, the specific access needed will depend on whic...
We recommend usingMSIXto package your app for distribution. For more information on how MSIX supports Arm and Arm64, seeApp package architectures: Arm and Arm64. Not all Visual Studio projects are configured to launch projects locally when you start debugging (F5) from an Arm device. You may...
WinMerge file filters which are shipped with the distribution. ArchiveSupport Source code for the Merge7z dlls, which connect WinMerge with 7-Zip. Also this folder is required to compileWinMergeU.exe. There is also a standalone installer for Merge7z dlls. ...
(AKS) that automates running containerized applications at scale. AKS Edge Essentials includes a Microsoft-supported Kubernetes platform that includes a lightweight Kubernetes distribution with a small footprint and simple installation experience, making it easy for you to deploy Kubernetes on PC-class...
Major updates include hotfixes, general distribution releases, or service packs. If you add a language later, you'll need to re-add the updates. Add major updates before apps. These apps include universal Windows apps and desktop applications. If you add an update later, you'll need...
--wsl-default-data-root=<path>: Specifies the default location for the WSL distribution disk. --always-run-service: After installation completes, startscom.docker.serviceand sets the service startup type to Automatic. This circumvents the need for administrator privileges, which are otherwise neces...