1.关于C盘空间不足,系统卡顿 经常清理不必要的垃圾,减少开机启动项,Win10 C盘的文件可以在计算机里面右击C盘-属性-磁盘清理-清理系统文件 清理不必要的垃圾(比如旧的windows安装,还有更新缓存等) 一般来说,现在的新电脑都是采用固态硬盘+机械硬盘或者纯固态硬盘,因此用来做系统盘的硬盘没有必要分多个盘符(如果有机械...
07、Win10应用商店-无广告软件 在手机上有应用包、App Store、应用商城可以快捷下载到对应的软件,其实...
Windows 10 Tips是一款可以帮助用户掌握Windows 10的基本知识应用程序,在任务栏的搜索框中输入“提示”便可找到该应用程序,或者在开始菜单中进行查找。近日,据外媒报道,Windows开发商微软在使用MacOS来截图,而非Windows 10,同时还将其发布在微软的Windows 10 Tips应用中。那么又是如何确定这张截图是出自macOS的呢?
Windows 10 users may have noticed that by default, File Explorer opens to Quick Access.Make Explorer open his PC folder. If you don’t use it, you maydisable Quick Access. MoreWindows 10 File Explorer Tips & Trickshere. 7] Booting in Safe Mode This post will show you how to enable an...
Tips:在任务栏关闭便笺窗口后,下一次再打开便笺仍保留之前未删除的便笺条哦! 二、草图板 大概是简单版的画图工具,比较适合可触控的设备使用。 草图板 三、屏幕草图 在你按下 Win + W 快捷键的时候,工作区自动截取了当前屏幕的截图,你可以点击屏幕草图来进行编辑、复制和保存。(感觉再也不想用QQ截图和搜狗截图...
Tips:按住田 + D,也是可以快速显示桌面的;再按一次,就能恢复到刚才的状态。 ▌如何更改任务栏设置? 常见的任务栏都是固定在屏幕下方,如果我希望它固定在左边,该怎么做呢?入口:右键单击任务栏上的任何空白区域 → 「任务栏设置」 在「任务栏在屏幕上的位置」选择你喜欢的方位: ...
In this update, we’ve added new information about what’s coming in upcoming releases of Windows 10, including some cool new features that have shown up in the Windows 10 Insider Dev Channel. More tips and tricks are in here, too, like using a local admin account...
legion of new tweaks and tricks—some of which unlock powerful functionality hidden to everyday users. Others simply let you mold the Windows 10 experience into the shape you see fit. Here are some of the most useful tweaks, tricks, and tips we’ve found over Windows 10’s many iterations...
With a Windows 10 PC, you can easily game on-the-go and stay up to date with the Xbox Live community, and always be just a click away from your gaming world. Here are three tips on how to get started with on-the-go gaming with the Xbox app: ...
These are just a few of the many things you can do in Windows Mixed Reality. To learn more, check outWindows Mixed Reality Supportand themixed reality tips pagefor even more inspiration. [1]In addition, the Samsung HMD Odyssey headset has a mechanical IPD adjuster....