若要在电脑上检查,请按Windows 徽标键+K。 如果你的设备不支持 Miracast,你可能会看到一条消息,指出你需要使用电缆连接外部显示器。 确保打开 Wi-Fi。 若要在电脑上执行此操作,请选择任务栏最右侧的“网络”图标,然后检查Wi-Fi快速设置。 确保显示器支持 Miracast 并验证它是否已打开。 如果无线显示器不支持 M...
删除无线显示器,然后将其重新连接。 若要删除设备,请打开“设置”,然后选择“蓝牙 & 设备 > 设备”。在“无线显示器 & 扩展坞”下,选择要删除的无线显示器或适配器,然后选择“删除设备”。 之后尝试重新连接。
方法一 ①通过window R快捷键运行dxdiag.exe。 ②等待Direct X 诊断工具检测完毕点击保存所有信息。 ③通过记事本打开刚才保存的DxDiag.txt 查找有关Miracast的信息。【NotAvailable】表示不支持【Available,withHDCP】表示支持。 ④继续查看网卡驱动和显卡驱动是否支持。 【Supported...
若要在电脑上检查,请按Windows 徽标键+K。 如果你的设备不支持 Miracast,你可能会看到一条消息,指出你需要使用电缆连接外部显示器。 确保打开 Wi-Fi。 若要在电脑上执行此操作,请选择任务栏最右侧的“网络”图标,然后检查Wi-Fi快速设置。 确保显示器支持 Miracast 并验证它是否已打开。 如果无线显示器不支持 M...
it is called a bug check (or bugcheck). It is also commonly referred to as a system crash, a kernel error, a blue screen, a blue screen of death (BSOD), or a stop error. On preview releases of Windows, the screen color can be green, leading to the green screen of death (GSOD)...
it is called a bug check (or bugcheck). It is also commonly referred to as a system crash, a kernel error, a blue screen, a blue screen of death (BSOD), or a stop error. On preview releases of Windows, the screen color can be green, leading to the green screen of death (GSOD)...
How to connect to a wireless network Intel's My WiFi Technology stops working Microsoft: Protected EAP (PEAP) option is missing OpenGL applications don't run on Miracast display Security alert when connecting to wireless network Virtual WiFi/SoftAP fails to start Wireless devices are disabled after...
[Windows 11/10] Connexion BluetoothProduits applicables : Notebook, Desktop, All-in-One PC, Gaming Handheld, Motherboard, MiniPC, Wireless Router, NUCCette article explique comment se connecter à des appareils Bluetooth externes (y compris les claviers, les souris, les téléphones, les ...
Here's how to turn your Windows 10 PC into a Miracast-capable wireless display: 1. Open the action center. (It's represented by the speech bubble icon in the lower right corner of the screen.) 2. Click Connect. 3. Click Projecting to this PC. (A settings window will appear.) 4....
Types of Windows PCs that support wireless screen sharing to the HUAWEI Vision Applicable products:HONOR HD Applicable products: To share the screen of a Windows PC to the HUAWEI Vision, the following conditions must be met: The OS version is Windows 10. ...