DELETE FROM Geometry WHERE ChildKey=old.ParentKey; END */ // DELIMITER ;// Any ideas how I can get around editting the dump file manually every time? Thanks in advance. Subject Views Written By Posted mysqldump - delimiter command doesn't work on Windows ...
0x8007232B DNS name doesn't exist When you encounter this error, you see this error message: DNS name does not exist. Cause: This error message appears when the KMS client can't find KMS server resource records (SRV RRs) in DNS. ...
Note: If this keyboard shortcut doesn’t work, make sure Game Bar is enabled. To do this, click the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of your screen and select Settings. Then, select Gaming in the left sidebar and click the slider under ...
Windows 11 pro upgrade key on o365 portal doesn't work: My company bought a surface tablet with Windows 11 home on it. To get it joined to the domain, we purchased a license for upgrading to Win 11 Pro, and the license is in our O365 portal. I tried applying the license key from...
✅ How to return to windows 11 home from pro:I've found my device original key but it doesn't work even if i enter change key, I'm unable to uninstall updates as well and nothing seems to be...
I'd like to get my storage controller/HDD combination performing up to par again. The downloads section for the Q65 Express Chipset doesn't show anything. Is there a fitting driver for my rig? Could you please point me to where I could download...
I found as a workaround, if you start the docker compose from Windows (command prompt), not WSL2, then it will work correctly. For example from the same directory just run cmd and then docker compose up -d, it will create a container with a bind mount of C:\Users\longz\Desktop\tes...
Just to clarify, is the Intel I219-LM Ethernet Controller not working at all in Windows 11 or the Ethernet is working in a normal setup (no other configuration), however the VLANs created doesn't work? Hello Nick B-Eng, Can you please confirm if you al...
PuTTY 中文版,原 项目。. Contribute to int-kimi/PuTTY development by creating an account on GitHub. I hope you can help me, I don't know what I need to make to work this, I try many things but nothing works, In the last case, I'll install Windows again because I need too much from WB. Thank you!Navigate...