最近更新系统,发现报错0x80248014,系统版本为redstone2(创意者更新)。 总结发现,只要是windows各个版本自动更新报错的,如0x80开头的一系列错误,都可以通过如下步骤解决: 手工停掉自动更新服务 运行—services.msc 去路径C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution,清空DataStore和Download两个文件夹下的全部内容 第一步停自动更新服务...
Windows 更新 UI 错误 展开表 错误代码消息描述 0x80243001WU_E_INSTALLATION_RESULTS_UNKNOWN_VERSION由于无法识别的数据格式版本,无法从注册表读取下载和安装结果。 0x80243002WU_E_INSTALLATION_RESULTS_INVALID_DATA由于数据格式无效,无法从注册表读取下载和安装结果。
According to your description, you have tried to reset Windows Update components manually. The error code 0x80248014 is typically associated with problems related to the Windows Update service, and it may occur if the system cannot access the Windows Update server. Here are a few steps y...
Hi,I have been having problems with updating for some time now. Today I had a conversation with Microsoft support and we managed to get something going.For...
Windows Update error 0x80248014 Windows Update error code 0x8007011 Windows Update Error Event ID 31 Installing Upgrade to Windows 10 Pro 10586 Windows update failed - WS error: There was an error communicating with the endpoint at 'https://fe3.delivery.mp.microsoft.com/ClientWebService/client...
The error code 0x80248014 typically relates to problems with Windows Update. Here are some steps you can try to resolve the issue: Check for System Requirements: Ensure that your PC meets the system requirements for Windows 11 Insider Preview. Make sure you have s...
Windows 11, version 22H2 Insider Preview 10.0.22567.100 (ni_release) 更新时提示 安装错误 - 0x80248014。错误:0x80248014,操作未完成,因为服务不在数据存储中。建议您尝试以下方案进行操作,看看是否可以修复:在管理员命令提示符下键入以下命令:net stop wuauservnet Stop cryptSvcnet Stop bitsnet Stop msiserver...
应用商店安装应用都出现错误代码0x80248014,怎么办? 只看楼主 收藏 回复 宁静志远666666 崭露头角 2 刚装的wwindows10,求大神帮解! EbenGuo 默默无闻 1 同样的问题一直没解决,楼主解决了吗 hvhjnn 闻名一方 11 此贴终结 没劲go 富有名气 8 我的也是!一直都打不开!楼主用微软账号登录了吗? 搬砖...
Windows更新正常工作,直到用户点击检查更新按钮。在短暂扫描后,该进程立即生成错误代码0x80248014,从而阻止下载和安装更新。除了Windows更新以外,在尝试安装购买的应用程序或试图升级Microsoft Security Essentials时,Windows Store上也可能会发生此错误检查。 3 0x80248014错误的罪魁祸首可能与损坏的Windows Update服务,错误...