Shortcut Guide 可以让你以最直观,最清晰的方式列出当前应用全部可以操作的快捷键以及对应的功能说明。比如 Win + 数字键,可以快捷打开任务栏的程序或者任务,但是有时程序太多的时候,还需要大致数一下,有了 Shortcut Guide,长按 Win 键之后,任务栏会直接标上数字。所以即便有很多有 Win 相关的快捷键,有了它,相...
Shortcut (Context) Menus and Shortcut Menu Handlers (Windows) DWordPtrToInt64 function (Windows) DWordToSSIZET function (Windows) InterlockedCompareExchangeAcquire function (Windows) InterlockedOrAcquire function (Windows) DSSPUBKEY_VER3 structure (Windows) IControlMarkup::SetCallback method (Windows) ...
Alt + Tab: Cycle forward through open windowsAlt + Shift + Tab: Cycle backward through open windowsAlt + F: Close the current window Open the Shut Down Windows dialog box from the DesktopAlt + Spacebar: Access the Shortcut menu for current window...
Windows INK is getting in the way of Wintab. See this thread for the answer. Follow the steps and your problem should be fixed. FWIW you won't need that shortcut in the Wacom software. That is the default shortcut in Photoshop in Windows for changing brush size. The brush size ...
Copy, paste, and other general keyboard shortcuts Press this keyTo do this Ctrl + X Cut the selected item. Ctrl + C (or Ctrl + Insert) Copy the selected item. Ctrl + V (or Shift + Insert) Paste the selected item. Ctrl + Z Undo an action. Alt + Tab Switch between open apps....
Shortcuts for selecting adjacent tabs PressCtrl+Tabto select the nextTabViewItem. PressCtrl+Shift+Tabto select the previous TabViewItem. For these purposes, the tab list is "looped," so selecting the next tab while the last tab is selected will cause the first tab to become selected. ...
For example, this default setting uses the shortcut key Ctrl+Shift+O to use wt to open a new PowerShell tab with additional panes for Command Prompt and Ubuntu:JSON Copy { "command": { "action": "wt", "commandline": "new-tab pwsh.exe ; split-pane -p \"Command Prompt\" -d C...
It is accessible from the main menu View | Tool Windows | Run or using the shortcut Alt04 as long as there is some output in the console, and you don't close all the tabs in it. Open a tool window To show or hide a tool window, do one of the following: Go to a tool ...
Shortcut Guide 这是一个显示使用 Windows 键的常见键盘快捷键,使用方式很简单,按住 Windows 键大概 1秒钟,就会显示出配合 Windows 键使用的快捷键了,甚至任务栏的应用都有快捷键,直接一键跳到相应的应用上,不用再 tab~tab 来回切换了 (Mac 下我要用 cheatsheet 和 PopClip 结合使用) ...
Switch to a specific tab shortcut (works for the first 8 tabs):Control+1...Control+8Switch to the last tab shortcut:Control+9Return to topSwitch tabs shortcut on a ChromebookThe switch tabs shortcuts on Chromebooks are pretty much the same as on Windows, but a few are missing. ...